Latest Technologies to Detect Tooth Decay Early

dental problems

Tooth decay is common, thanks to changing lifestyles and poor oral hygiene practices. However, is there any way to save a tooth before it completely decays and we lose it forever? What if we come to know possible decay signs even before the cavity sets in?
Earlier, your dentist would have only a pair of experienced eyes, which could tell decay just by looking at the tooth. Later, they’d take the help of an X-ray to examine how much the tooth has been damaged. Of course, we’d have had to wait until the X-ray result to know of it.
Now, we’re living in a world of ever-changing technology where results need not be awaited for long. They are spontaneous and facilitate early diagnosis of the problem too.

New Technologies that Help Detect Tooth Decay Early

The most renowned dentist in Burbank Dr. Sahakyan makes use of the latest technologies at My Dentist Burbank clinic. These technologies assist in diagnosing tooth decay conditions early. The dentists can then suggest appropriate preventive measures to the patients. These are some of the newer technologies for finding tooth decay used in My Dentist Burbank.

Digital Imaging Fiber-Optic Trans-Illumination (DIFOTI)

dental problems

This method can collect images of the tooth when placed in the mouth. It can do so with the help of a bright light attached to a sensor. The sensor is in turn connected to a computer that can create the image of the tooth in focus.
The image reflects those areas of the tooth that have lost minerals as darker than the others. This indicates signs of early decay to your dentist. The method is sometimes compared to an X-ray; however, it doesn’t use radiation unlike the latter.

Digital Imaging: DIAGNOdent

This technique uses a handheld laser probe that is shone by your Burbank dentist on every tooth. The tooth absorbs the laser beam and gives off a fluorescent light. If the tooth is solid, it’d give off very little light. But, damaged parts of the tooth tend to give off more light. The information from each tooth is sent this way to a control unit, which looks similar to a digital clock radio.

Quantitative Light-Induced Fluorescence (QLF)

This is the newest of all the three latest technologies used in My Dentist Burbank for tooth decay. The technique uses a light source, camera, fluorescent dye, and computer software for the early detection of tooth decay. This is how it works:

  • The camera captures images of each tooth.
  • The technology uses fluorescent dye with the camera and enables the light source to view areas that face mineral loss.
  • The software analyzes each image. It then provides information about the possible mineral loss, which is an early sign of tooth decay.
    This technology is capable of detecting early decay in both primary and baby teeth and permanent or adult teeth. It can also diagnose early signs of decay near dental fillings, crowns, and braces.

Our dentists use all of these latest dental technologies. Besides that, we offer expert consultation to our patients on tooth decay issues and preventive measures.


Tooth decay can lead to potential dental damage, including loss of a tooth. Learn how much can a single lost tooth damage your oral health. It’s important to save the tooth because even one tooth loss makes a difference. Therefore, follow good oral hygiene practices and visit your dentist at least twice a year.

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