Tooth Extraction Burbank
What Is a Tooth Extraction?
Tooth extraction is one of the most common surgical manipulations in Burbank. The essence of this process consists in extracting the tooth, its root, or its parts from the bone socket of the jaw. This is achieved by means of special dental instruments. Medical manipulation for the removal of teeth is carried out, if possible, with minimal damage to the surrounding bone and soft tissues. This approach is necessary in order to avoid serious infectious complications and to prevent the functionality loss of the jaw.
When does the tooth need to be removed?
It is necessary to remove the tooth if the patient has a fracture of the root of the tooth. This causes pain, makes it difficult to eat, and also negatively affects the condition of other nearby teeth. Another indication for removal is unsuccessful retreatment of canals of previously repeatedly treated teeth.
Wrong position of the wisdom teeth and pathological processes in them, neglected pronounced carious tooth decay, which can not be cured, are also indications for removal.
Loss of the tooth cannot be avoided if you have chronic periodontitis with severe inflammation. Inflammation of the tooth with a transition to bone tissue, neglected periodontitis, and other diseases of the teeth and dentition, make further therapeutic treatment impractical or impossible.
Tooth extraction is a common and simple procedure. Thanks to experienced specialists during the procedure, the patient does not experience much discomfort. Please contact Dr. Sahakyan, the best dentist in Burbank, if you need a teeth extraction. Call 1-818-578-2332 for an appointment today.
The Most Common Causes of Tooth Extraction:
- widespread caries;
- diseases of tissues surrounding the tooth;
- tooth crack;
- correction of occlusion;
- the need to remove wisdom teeth.
How Is the Tooth Removed?
Extraction of the tooth is carried out strictly in the dentist’s office. This manipulation uses special dental instrumentation and preparations for general or local anesthesia. The duration of the operation depends on the severity of the patient’s condition and the number of teeth that are prone to tooth pathology.
Stages of Tooth Extraction:
Extraction includes the following steps:
- local anesthesia;
- separation of the gum from the neck with a special scapula;
- the application of forceps, which is to be removed;
- advance the cheeks to the root, clamping, and fixing;
- dislocation from the hole;
- extraction from the alveoli;
- suturing on soft tissues.
Different Types of Teeth Extraction
There are two types of procedures for tooth extraction:
Simple tooth removal
A simple one is the removal of a mobile or single-root tooth when there is no need to use special tools and additional medical devices.
Surgical tooth removal
Surgical or complex is the removal using special tools and tools to extract the tooth from the bone. Complex tooth extraction implies the need to cut the soft tissues covering the tooth.
The surgery to remove the teeth is carried out with minimal damage to surrounding tissues, regardless of the complexity. Dental extraction, like any surgical manipulation, is performed under effective anesthesia, most often under local anesthesia. Anesthesia is selected by the Burbank dentist individually for each patient, depending on the following: the scope of the planned work, the type of treatment provided, characteristics, and the health status of the patient. No patient feels pain directly during the removal of the tooth.
The tooth extraction time can be from a few seconds to an hour or more. After removal, Dr. Sahakyan at My Dentist Burbank prescribes the necessary anti-inflammatory therapy.
Wisdom Teeth Extraction Burbank
Wisdom teeth are officially referred to as third molars. They are the last teeth to develop. Wisdom teeth are fully developed between the ages of 15 and 20.
The wisdom tooth is a problem for many people. The main cause of this problem is the pain that occurs when it erupts due to a lack of sufficient space in the dental arch. In this case, the wisdom tooth should be removed as soon as possible. Not removing wisdom teeth on time will create many more complications over time.
In case there is enough space in the dental arch, the teeth can stand in their place, without touching the gingival tissue surrounding them. In this case, the wisdom tooth does not have to be removed.
The Three Types of Wisdom Tooth Impaction Are:
Soft Tissue Impaction Extraction
There is enough jaw bone to let the wisdom tooth erupt. But there is not enough room to let the gum tissue recede. It would allow to process of an adequate and proper cleaning of the tooth.
Partial Bony Impaction Extraction
This is a wisdom tooth that has partially erupted the surface. It creates cleaning problems and cannot function in the chewing process.
Complete Bony Impaction Extraction
There is no room for the tooth to erupt to the surface. This impaction is included in the jaw bone and often rises at severe angles, and perhaps dames adjacent teeth.
What happens if the rotten tooth is not removed?
The process of decay begins when deep caries or pulpits have not been cured in a timely manner. The tooth subjected to this process can crumble, surrounding tissues can become inflamed, and sometimes purulent abscesses are formed. The patient notes strong bad breath. If you do not remove the rotten tooth, the infectious process will spread to the bone of the lower jaw, melting bone tissue and destruction of bones. If you have any of those symptoms or are in pain, contact the best dentist in Burbank to schedule an evaluation today.
Simple rules that must be followed after tooth extraction:
After tooth extraction dentists at My Dentist Burbank recommend:
- Do not rinse your mouth. Rinsing can damage the upper layer of the wound, which can lead to its opening and infection.
- Do not eat for the first hours after tooth extraction. Avoid smoking for a few days.
- Avoid hot drinks. They can cause swelling and provoke a bleeding wound.
- Soothe the pain with analgesics. The first tablet can be taken right after the tooth extraction, under the effect of local anesthesia.
- Apply cold.
- If the wound is unbearable, your temperature rises, a tumor appears or other problems arise, you need to see your dentist as soon as possible.
Tooth extraction is a common procedure and the best dentist in Burbank, Dr. Sahakyan is happy to help you through. To schedule your evaluation, call 1-818-578-2332 today.