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dental problems

Strengthening Weak Gums

Strengthening Weak Gums Weak and loose gums are a problem that many people face today. To prevent the loss of your teeth and preserve the health of your gums, it is important to properly care for the oral cavity. This will prevent the formation of plaque and the multiplication of bacteria that are destructive to […]

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What Do You Need to Know About Bleeding Gums?

What Do You Need to Know About Bleeding Gums? Bleeding gums is a signal that an inflammatory process is developing in the oral cavity. It causes actively multiplying pathogenic bacteria. In the absence of treatment, most often this can lead to gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is an inflammatory process of the gingival mucosa, the first […]

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10 Best Foods for Your Teeth

10 Best Foods for Your Teeth What we eat has a great effect not only on our overall health but also on the health of our mouths. Our diet can help to protect our gums and teeth. There are foods that contain nutrients that keep your mouth plaque-free and healthy. The best dentist in Burbank, […]

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Teeth Grinding (Bruxism): Symtoms and Treatment

Teeth Grinding (Bruxism): Symptoms and Treatment What is Teeth Grinding? Teeth grinding (also called bruxism) is a dental abnormality that causes discomfort and is accompanied by grinding. This usually occurs at night when the person is sleeping. This is the most common sleep disorder. Such a process can be characterized by rubbing the teeth of […]

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dental problems

How Your Dentist Can Help You Look Younger?

How Your Dentist Can Help You Look Younger? Everyone wants to look young and beautiful. But there are a few things that can give out your age. In the first place are teeth. With age, teeth darken and lose their natural whiteness and shine. It is not very pleasurable, to have a yellow plaque on […]

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Brushing and Flossing for Healthy Teeth

Brushing and Flossing for Healthy Teeth Brushing and flossing your teeth is an important part of your oral hygiene. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste cleans the visible surfaces of the tooth. However, dental plaque and pieces of food intensively accumulate in the spaces between the teeth. There, they remain invisible for a long time and can […]

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Holistic Dentistry

Holistic Dentistry

Holistic Dentistry Burbank Holistic dentistry is one of the forms of modern dentistry. It examines the impact of dental treatment on the entire body of the patient. Holistic dentistry is also called biocompatible or biological dentistry. Practice takes into account the effects of dental procedures on the general state of human health. It supports the […]

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tooth care

How to Take Care of Teeth When Pregnant?

How to Take Care of Teeth When Pregnant? To treat the teeth of a pregnant woman is even more exciting. It depends not only on the health of the mother but also on the child. By regularly caring for your teeth and visiting the Burbank dentist, you can keep your teeth healthy. It means avoiding […]

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Vitamins and Dietary Supplements for Healthy Teeth

Vitamins and Dietary Supplements for Healthy Teeth Vitamins are very important for the normal health of our teeth. With a lack of vitamins, the teeth become rough, weak, mobile, and uneven. Also, the gums become inflamed. Many dental diseases begin because of a lack of vitamins. To maintain the health of gums and teeth and […]

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Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry Burbank Pediatric dentistry Burbank is the branch of dentistry dealing with children from birth through youth. Treatment of children at My Dentist Burbank is carried out only by the best dentists who have not only high quality but also understand child psychology. Dr. Sahakyan at My Dentist Burbank provides specialized dental treatment for […]

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