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tooth loss

Causes and Prevention of Tooth Loss

Causes and Prevention of Tooth Loss Absolutely all people are at risk of losing one or more teeth, but depending on age, the reasons may be different. Why do teeth fall out in adults? As people get older, the more they have health problems. With age, certain processes are triggered in our body, which serves […]

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baking soda

Can You Use Baking Soda On Your Teeth?

Can You Use Baking Soda On Your Teeth? Teeth whitening with baking soda is one of the easiest and most common home ways that many people try. This is not surprising since sodium bicarbonate is in the house of almost every hostess. And on the preparation of special mixtures do not have to spend a […]

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Why Soda Is Terrible for Your Teeth?

Why Soda Is Terrible for Your Teeth? Drinking soda is very popular among adults and children. However, soda drinks are far from being as harmless to health as it is commonly thought. If you drink soda rarely, problems, most likely, will not arise. However, regular consumption of soda beverages can lead to a deterioration of […]

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teeth whitening

White Teeth or Coffee?

White Teeth or Coffee? Coffee lovers often have to face such a problem as the darkening of the tooth enamel. But this is no reason to limit yourself in the use of a pleasant drink and switch to distilled water. There are many ways to bring teeth to whiteness – professional and at-home teeth bleaching. […]

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dry mouth

Dry mouth and tooth problems

Dry mouth and tooth problems The feeling of dryness and discomfort in the mouth appears when there is insufficient saliva production. Saliva is necessary for moistening and cleaning the oral cavity and digesting food. In addition, it prevents the development of infection, suppressing the reproduction of bacteria and fungi in the oral cavity. Dry mouth […]

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Gum Recession: Causes, Treatment and Prevention

Gum Recession: Causes, Treatment and Prevention Gum recession is a condition in which your gums pull back from the tooth surface, revealing the root surfaces of your teeth. It’s just one form of gum disease. A recession of the gum arises as a result of unsatisfactory oral hygiene or dental diseases. It leads to abundant […]

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dental problems

Strengthening Weak Gums

Strengthening Weak Gums Weak and loose gums are a problem that many people face today. To prevent the loss of your teeth and preserve the health of your gums, it is important to properly care for the oral cavity. This will prevent the formation of plaque and the multiplication of bacteria that are destructive to […]

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What Do You Need to Know About Bleeding Gums?

What Do You Need to Know About Bleeding Gums? Bleeding gums is a signal that an inflammatory process is developing in the oral cavity. It causes actively multiplying pathogenic bacteria. In the absence of treatment, most often this can lead to gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is an inflammatory process of the gingival mucosa, the first […]

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10 Best Foods for Your Teeth

10 Best Foods for Your Teeth What we eat has a great effect not only on our overall health but also on the health of our mouths. Our diet can help to protect our gums and teeth. There are foods that contain nutrients that keep your mouth plaque-free and healthy. The best dentist in Burbank, […]

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