First Aid for a Knocked-Out Permanent Tooth

first aid

Indeed, mouth injuries can be very disastrous for people. Most importantly, they tend to damage various structures in your mouth or face such as your gums, mouth, and even your cheeks. There are times when a permanent tooth can be put back. Don’t ignore it! Get it re-implanted so that you can have a good smile. The best results are shown in the re-implantation is done within 30 minutes of the injury. The chances of implantation are not very good for two hours. Let us look at a few scenarios that can be done to reduce the damage.

dental problems

  • To begin with, you should find the tooth that has issues. If it is the primary tooth, apply some ointments and gauze. If it is permanent, use the steps that are given below.
  • Rinse your mouth gently with tap water. Subsequently, keep on holding your tooth. Most importantly, do not scrub or rub it forcefully.
  • If your tooth has come out, store and transport it safely to the dentist. The best way to transport it is by putting it back into the socket. Gently place it back by a physician. The expert will fit it in the right place. Keep it between your cheeks and your gums.
  • Remember that you should not put it in salt water or even alcohol. Do not even put it in mouthwash to clean it.
  • Most importantly, do not play with it and treat it like a small thing. In particular, keep it properly and handle it with care.
  • Undeniably, you must call your dentist immediately. Accordingly, they can take care of the situation. In fact, if you cannot get a hold of your dentist, you should go to your emergency ward in the hospital. However, make sure that you take the tooth with you.
  • If there are fragments of truth that are present, collect all of them and handle them very carefully. All this can smoothen out the process of re-implantation. Do not touch the root of the tooth at any cost. This can cause a lot of coming to you.
  • Use lukewarm water to store it but do not use it for more than 10 seconds. Do not try to remove dirt from it with a lot of pressure.
  • You must try to control your bleeding and swelling. Go for a cold compress and encourage the patient to suck on a frozen popsicle.
  • If all this is not working out and it is a very serious situation, you should definitely head to our clinic as we can solve all your problems in the best ways possible. We are one of the best dentists in the city. Most importantly, we have catered to a number of emergency cases. We have the right kind of professionals that can help you with the implantation in the most painless and beautiful ways.
  • You should understand that after first-aid, you should definitely visit the dentist and get professional help. At the end of the day, professionals know what they do and they are very good at it.

Why Us?

We have a panel of professional dentists working with us. In particular, they have mastered the art of re-implantation. Accordingly, they can cater to all of your needs. To put it in simple words, we are a one-stop solution for many patients who trust us with their Burbank knocked-out permanent tooth. Undeniably, Dentist Burbank can solve all your worries if you come to us at the right time! We aim to serve you with the best treatment so that you will never have any issues in the future. Call Dr. Sahakyan at 818-578-2332 to book an appointment. You can also visit the clinic for a consultation! We would be happy to help you.

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