Taking Care of Your Teeth and Mouth

tooth care

The main rule for maintaining a beautiful and healthy smile is the observance of the rules of oral hygiene. Even in adulthood, cavities and periodontitis can occur. Improper oral hygiene can also lead to more serious diseases.

Regular oral hygiene is essential to supporting your oral health. To have your oral health checked, call to schedule an appointment with one of our Burbank dentists.

When to Brush Your Teeth

When any person brushes the teeth, he or she divides the upper and lower jaw into two sections: the right and left sides, giving about 30 seconds for cleaning each of the 4 departments. In the end, your teeth get 2-3 minutes of needed oral hygiene.

There is no need to brush your teeth after every meal since enamel naturally forms plaque. It performs both a protective function and absorbs food debris itself. Therefore, if a person brushes their teeth twice a day, this is enough for the preservation of enamel and the prevention of the formation of cavities.

If during the day there is a need to remove pieces of food, then it is enough to rinse your mouth or use chewing gum.

How to Clean Your Teeth and Gums


You need to brush your teeth, moving from the gum to the tooth and from the neck of the tooth to the cutting edge. Horizontal movements must be made along the fissures. It is important to exclude horizontal movement from the outer and inner sides of the tooth. As excessive pressure during horizontal movement with a brush causes a wedge-shaped defect and increases the sensitivity in the cervical tooth zone.  

Clean the Tongue

During the day food particles accumulate on the tongue. Bacteria in the oral cavity are the main cause of cavities. So, they need to be removed as often as possible. It is recommended to clean the tongue once a day – at night. If the tongue is too lined, there is a smell from the mouth, and a one-time cleaning does not help, then after an examination at the Burbank dentist, you should contact a gastroenterologist. The tongue is the beginning of the gastrointestinal tract. If there are any problems with the stomach then they manifest on the tongue in the form of puffiness, an increase in the volume, or the burden of the tongue.

Improper hygiene of the oral cavity and the use of the same type of food for a long time can also be the cause of tongue exposure. In this case, the body simply does not cope with slagging.

There is a special brush for the tongue, which does not recommend using toothpaste. The tongue responds very strongly to all taste buds, and as a result, excessive salivation can occur. You can also use a regular toothbrush to clean the tongue. It is important, firstly, that the brush is without rubber elements, and secondly, you should not use paste.

Dental Floss

Regularly using dental floss after a meal, will provide healthy oral care. This tool allows you to perfectly clean the interdental spaces and remove food debris even from where the brush bristles do not penetrate. If you care about the purity of the oral cavity and want to have healthy teeth, do not neglect the ability to effectively care for it with dental floss.



It is believed that oral rinses are used mainly to freshen breath. This is not quite true. A modern product, produced by a reliable manufacturer, can prevent serious problems.

The rinsing agent contains active substances that help fight bacteria that cause cavities and gingivitis. Properly selected mouthwash will also get rid of bleeding gums and bad breath.

Rinse your mouth after tooth brushing is completed. Rinse duration – 30 seconds. This is exactly what active substances need to produce a positive effect on the oral cavity. Ideally, you need to strain the liquid through the teeth several times. So you wash all the remnants of food from the interdental spaces.

Recommendations for oral hygiene

Burbank dentist Dr. Sahakyan recommended the following tooth brushing and flossing sequence:

  • Gently brush the smooth surface of your teeth with a soft-bristle brush and fluoride toothpaste.
  • Brush gently and carefully along your gum line.
  • Lightly brush your tongue to help keep your mouth clean.
  • Use dental floss. Flossing removes leftover food and plaque that a toothbrush cannot range.
  • Use a rinse after you floss.

This technique is relevant in the morning and in the evening.

It is necessary to visit the dentist at least once every six months. Burbank dentist Dr. Sahakyan can monitor the condition of the teeth and gums and control possible changes. Please call 1-818-578-2332 or contact our dental office to schedule an appointment today.

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