Furcation Defect Treatment

dental problems

Have you ever doubted why people have more issues with their back teeth than their front ones? It is true that many people misplace their back teeth more frequently. One of the principal reasons for this is bone loss around these teeth. The good news is this is avoidable. The dentists at Burbank have a foremost spotlight on diagnosing and treating molar ‘furcation’ bone loss around teeth.

4 Classes of Furcation Involvements and Each Involves a Different Level of Treatment:

CLASS I is the foundation involvement. The concavity of the furcation can be detected with a dental instrument for example an ‘explorer’. However, it cannot be entered. At this stage, Mydentistburbank will bring responsiveness to the situation to the patient and recommend focusing on plaque control of the area. At times, a ‘rubber tip’ cleaning tool is given to the patient to help clean Class I furcations.

CLASS II is where the clinician can enter the furcation from one phase but cannot go through with the dental tool to the opposite side. Additionally, to increase home care, Dr. Sahakyan prefers extensive ‘scaling and root planning. Scaling is the elimination of any dental plaque and root planning is the practice of smoothing the surface so plaque is less prone to adhere to the surface.

CLASS III is a through-on through involvement, however, the furcation is covered by soft tissue. A specific radiolucency in the furcation spot is noticeable if an x-ray was taken. Treatment here may involve soft tissue grafting the gum tissue, cleaning any granulation tissue in the imperfection, and packing the spot with bone chips to reinstate the bone loss. Mydentistburbank uses only premium products for this type of dentistry.

CLASS IV is thorough on thorough involvement that is not wrapped by soft tissue. Clinically it is open and bare. The prognosis of these teeth at this phase is typically guarded to poor.

Furcation Defects Treatment

It needs to be treated immediately. Without proper action, the affected teeth may be required to be removed. To take care of bone loss, dentists may carry out a surgical process known as bone grafting. In this process, natural or synthetic bone is used to substitute areas of lost bone. Proteins that fuel the tissues may be used to facilitate the area repair successfully.

In cases where the gum tissue has moved away, enough to expose the tooth roots, gum grafts may be a part of the healing plan. So, gum grafting involves taking gum tissue from a different part of the mouth, like the roof of the mouth, and attaching it to receding areas.

Prevention: Burbank Furcation Defect

Furcation defects are advanced gum diseases. A good oral hygiene practice can help keep the gums healthy and tenderness at bay. To put off gum disease, brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste. Make sure to use the correct brushing techniques. It’s also essential to floss once a day. This is because flossing lets you clean areas that your toothbrush can’t get to like under your gum line and between the teeth. Dental checkups every six months are also essential. While regular cleaning, your dentist may be able to make out gum disease and recommend treatment for it at an early stage before it advances and damages the teeth and bone structure.

Our Commitment

The Dentists at Mydentistburbank are able to identify and take care of furcation bone loss around teeth at an early stage and prevent or greatly slow bone loss. Our objective for our patients is always to retain their teeth. This is possible with appropriate planning and treatment. However, if you have, any questions about bone loss around teeth call us at 8185782332 and book an appointment with Dr. Sahakyan, your Dentist in Burbank.

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