How to Keep a Smile, Young?


It’s no secret, that we grow older every day. The signs of aging include wrinkles, skin spots, thinning hair, and a fading smile. Many people begin using a variety of anti-aging products when they grow older. Although, a few people perceive that one of the easiest things they can do to look younger is to focus on their teeth. If you want to have young-looking teeth, look no further and call My Dentist Burbank today for an appointment

Keep Your Smile without Tension

In our days it is fashionable to have an open smile. If the teeth are small, then when smiling, the muscles of the face and neck become very tense. A muscle spasm leads to the early appearance of wrinkles. It also leads to the appearance of wrinkles in those places where they simply should not be.

Moreover, problems with teeth are not only years “on the face”, but also health problems. In most cases, due to an improper bite, the posture becomes incorrect. In order to breathe freely, a person pulls his or her neck and head forward and eventually begins to bend. And this is a direct road to muscle tone, osteochondrosis, and headaches. Anti-age or anti-aging dentistry helps to eliminate the cause and preserve health and beauty for a long time.  

Invisalign Braces


Nowadays, a variety of techniques of orthopedics and neuromuscular treatments are used to solve such problems. In each case, there is an individual approach.

If the teeth are healthy, then with the help of modern braces it is possible to return the jaw to the correct position. Today invisible transparent mouth guards – Invisalign Aligners are used for bite correction. If the teeth are destroyed, or there are many fillings, then first we engage in the restoration of problematic teeth. To restore the teeth we use all-porcelain ceramic crowns, veneers, and on-lays.

Fix Bite and Aesthetics

Generally, neuromuscular treatment consists of two stages. The first is the formation of the correct bite. Increased abrasion of teeth and an incorrect bite lead to the placement of the lower jaw in an unnatural position. The load on the jaw joints increases, and their discs shift, causing permanent hyper tone and muscle spasms. This is precisely the main reason for changing the aesthetics of the face. So we start with the main thing: the formation of the correct bite and the physiological work of the muscular system.

When the underlying cause of discomfort is resolved, you can think about aesthetics. There are a variety of techniques that are in our aid: from the use of the orthodontic device to manual therapy and speech therapy techniques. There are no contraindications or age restrictions for such treatment. The treatment is different for each stage of life and has its own manipulations.

Tooth Whitening


Tooth whitening lightens teeth and helps to eliminate discoloration and stains. Tooth whitening is the most popular cosmetic dental procedure. It can vastly improve your teeth’ look. Tooth whitening is often perceived as a way to feel and look younger.

If you plan to permanently maintain youth and beauty – make your visits to the Burbank dentist regularly. Good oral health doesn’t happen by chance. It takes time and energy to keep your smile looking healthy and young. If you feel like your smile needs some help, please call 1-818-578-2332 or contact our dental office to schedule an appointment. Burbank dentist Dr. Sahakyan will help you enjoy a healthy mouth and smile for a long time.

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